The law is the law. The facts are the facts. Based on these couple of truisms, you may think that there is no point in fighting your Palm Beach County criminal case or hiring an attorney to fight for ...
Casanova Law Criminal Defense and Immigration Blog
Más allá de la ley criminal: Los abogados como recursos de servicios.
Si alguna vez usted ha sido acusado de un crimen en los condados Palm Beach o Martin, sabe que el proceso judicial cuesta demasiado tiempo, estrés, y dinero. Con respecto a este último inconveniente...
Waiting Until After the Virus to Address Your Criminal Case? Here’s Why You Should Do the Opposite.
You may be thinking about delaying action on your criminal case in Palm Beach County due to the judicial standstill caused by the Coronavirus. While courts are still technically open, most “nonessen...
Mitos y Hechos Sobre Conducir sin Licencia en la Florida
La llegada a un nuevo país es un evento estresante. El inmigrante correctamente se preocupa primero por la salud y el bienestar de sus hijos y cónyuge – si hay suficiente comida para la mesa, si e...
What you need to know about Bench Warrants in Palm Beach County
The Reality of Warrants Most people are generally familiar with the meaning of a warrant. It is a document issued by the Court authorizing the police to make an arrest or search premises. What is less...